The classes that have been regularly visiting the garden have helped plant, weed, and water. Like all dedicated gardeners, the kids have tended and nurtured their plants and now are able to benefit from all of their hard work. We are currently observing the plants that have begun popping up everywhere as well as identifying all of the different volunteer plants that have sprung up. Next week all of the participating classes will have journal / bookbinding workshops. The books will be used to record their plants progress, sketch what they observe and for day dreaming of future gardens to come.
Mr. Lee's first grade class and the LA's Best after school program assisted in a mosaic tile wall that will be installed as one of the pizza garden's plant bed walls. The kids helped break tiles, design the image and glue + grout. The plant bed structures are hard work but well worth the effort.
The students pulled buckets of weeds and with the upcoming rain we are all eagerly anticipating another flurry of garden activity. AND a guinea pig from the second grade class appears to have a taste for chick-weed and blades of grass.