This past week the kids made plant markers, drew pictures of what they are planning to grow in their gardens and planted bulbs. The seedlings from the last workshop are already sprouting and all of recent watering is bringing up NEW volunteer plants and weeds alike.
Our junior gardeners are all enthusiastic weeders (sometimes at the detriment of our plants) filling buckets with crab grass, spurge, lamb's quarters, and various undesirable green things. Unfortunately we also lost a volunteer artichoke and a couple of parsley plants to some over-ambitious little hands and feet. But that is the nature of learning about gardening. Very early in my gardening experience - I caught and destroyed many ugly little critters, only to discover (much) later that they were in fact juvenile ladybugs - UGH. But we all live and learn and I'm fairly certain that any future "accidental" artichokes that hit our garden will be treated much kinder.