Sunday, July 31, 2011

Everyone Loves a Juicy Sweet Mulberry

Junior Gardeners at Work

What do plants need? Soil, Water and Sun!

Dig, dig, dig...

Plant, plant, plant...

Weed, weed, weed...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What Did We Harvest

Our lettuce did remarkably well this year. Aside from the usual Salad Bowl, Bib, Green and Red Leaf varieties we also grew a funny little lettuce called Freckles... and it did have freckles. So cute.

Students Receiving Honors

Outstanding students being recognized by Principal Marco Nava.

Birthday Girl

What's better than a birthday surprise in the garden with your favorite teacher?
Cupcake Face!

Art in the Garden

If you ask them what they would like to grow... some of the most imaginative answers come up. Anyone know how to grow a balloon tree?

Installed Woolly Pockets

Here's the Woolly Pockets that are now covering the ugly fence in the back of the garden. Can't wait to see how they look once the plants start growing.